_Cradle to Cradle® building

Energy efficiency, CO2 savings and the use of renewable energies are almost standard criteria for the construction of new buildings today. However, with regard to the overall challenge facing the construction and property industry, these measures are far from sufficient. In the long term, we will not be faced with a shortage of energy, but a shortage of raw materials!

_EPEA as an innovation partner and pioneer in the construction sector

What is the building's carbon footprint? How can its materials be separated and recycled? Which products are healthy and beneficial for people and the environment? What are the material values of a building over its life cycle? The ability to answer these questions has become a standard requirement for builders and developers. EPEA helps you answer these questions . With over 30 years of experience in advising on recyclability and the combined construction expertise of the Drees & Sommer Group, EPEA sets you on the path to a positive footprint.

_Cradle to Cradle in new construction & renovation

EPEA enables builders and planning teams to implement the Cradle to Cradle concept. In order to make this possible, we as a “circular engineers”, support the planning process by bringing the C2C mindset to the planning team and regularly analyseing the planning status. In this way, we show the planning team which measures can be taken to improve the circularity of the building and thus, create innovative results.

_Cradle to Cradle in stock

Continuing to use existing buildings as resource-efficiently as possible and at the same time modernizing their energy efficiency is one of the biggest challenges of this decade. EPEA is helping to shape this transformation according to the Cradle to Cradle principle. We analyse the material value of existing portfolios, develop urban mining concepts and bring all materials back into circulation through our industrial-reuse network of product manufacturers.

Urban Mining

“A building that becomes construction waste at the end of its use has a design problem. ”

_Specially developed solutions

Buildings based on the C2C design principle are designed to be flexible and reusable. The healthy materials built and selected are easy to dismantle, can be separated by type and are therefore completely recyclable. This turns buildings into long-lasting and valuable raw material deposits, which release the resources again after the end of their useful life and thus, contribute to maintaining the value of the property.

An overview of our solutions:

_Circularity Passport® for buildings

The “Circularity Passport Building” serves as a planning and documentation tool for architects, all planning disciplines and contractors. For completed construction projects, the Circularity Passport Building also provides detailed information about which materials used can be easily separated and what chemical composition the installed products have. It also makes it easy to determine the monetary values of the structures installed in buildings. This information about the property provides you with great added value for financing from a risk perspective, appraisal and upcoming operation of the buildings.

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_conpli — by EPEA

In order to simplify the planning and documentation process for all stakeholders involved in planning and construction, we have developed “conpli”. Here, all material-related information on products and building materials is collected and structured in construction projects. The platform enables builders, architects, planners and construction companies to assess the material health and recyclability of the products they plan to utilize in their projects. At the end, a Building Material Passport is created for each construction project — the material counterpart to the energy certificate.

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Screenshot of the Project Info Page in conpli

_ProCA — by EPEA

EPEAs ProCA is a service for construction product manufacturers. It helps to understand whether products meet the requirements of green building systems.
ProCA is based on established standards and is directly compatible with BIM and other systems in the construction industry. The service can easily be used as an automatic data service, directly from your own PIM system or via well-known platforms such as Madaster or BIM&more. The compliance data is directly visible to planners in the corresponding platform, and planners can see directly which requirements their products meet and have all relevant product data visible at a glance.

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BIM&more is an innovative platform that connects manufacturers of building products with architects and planners while promoting sustainability and circular economy in the construction industry.
As an architect, you can use BIM&more metronomes to evaluate your building directly in the planning software and optimize it together with other project participants. As a product manufacturer, you can connect your product data via BIM&more Orchestra. This allows you to make your products available to planners directly in the planning software.
EPEA supports you in establishing the platform and helps you establish sustainability and recyclability in your BIM processes.

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BIM & More allows to evaluate the sustainability of buildings directly withing the modelling software


Would you like to document your project or portfolio based on BIM and gain insights into the materials contained, their ecological footprint and their recyclability? Then we would be happy to assist you with the analysis via Madaster.
Madaster is your cadastre for materials and products. Madaster registers data on all materials and products that have been used in an object, such as a bridge or a building

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Madaster is building a european material cadaster for buildings

“At 20 to 30 percent, a significant portion of gross construction costs is attributable to materials. With Cradle to Cradle®, this value is retained. ”

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