In collaboration with Kadawittfeldarchitektur, we planned the RAG administration building in Essen, which was completed in 2017. A quality assurance process has been implemented for the selection of materials that goes far beyond the legal standard for new buildings. Particular attention was paid to building products that are in direct contact with the interior. The use of building products with low emission levels and healthy ingredients ensures a high quality of indoor air. Green walls and dust-binding carpet create a pleasant room climate.
The multifunctional, extensive green roof creates a high-quality space for relaxation and serves as a retention area for rainwater. To generate energy and as a shading measure, pergolas equipped with PV modules were built on the usable area and several charging stations for electric cars and e-bikes were built.
In order to ensure a conversion at the end of the building's life cycle, flexible and recyclable structures were implemented in the building - lightweight walls were installed instead of load-bearing interior walls.
In order to increase the separability and recyclability of the materials, bonding was largely replaced by mechanical connections. A carpet made from reusable fibers and C2C-certified parquet flooring were used as floor covering. Both are part of a manufacturer's take-back system. All materials used are documented in a material passport, which makes the building a raw material warehouse for valuable materials.
The RAG building is DGNB Platinum certified.